Yo yo yo!!!
So far we have collected 2 weeks of spiritual diary and I must say I am tremendously blessed by all the messages and revelations you guys shared.
(although still got people haven even give me anything yet X___X)
The power of writing your thoughts and revelations down is greater than you ever imagined and so I really want to encourage you guys to continue writing your spiritual diary.
Share with me anything and everything ok?
NOTE: It is harder for me to reply you via email honestly, so just write it down!!! UNLESS you are v sure you are faithful to email me without me chasing you for it.
So let's enjoy all the highlights from the past 2 weeks:
(don't feel sad if you nv see your stuff here...usually means u write too little..lol)
"I see myself bringing many friends to church! yay :D i must pray more!! ...30 Mem!" - Rachel
"Boo! I saw a vision on Wednesday, I was in this dark room .. (cannot see anything)
Then, one of the walls got removed by a gigantic hand! And there was light and I saw a path out to the light. Very nice! o.O!! Then I heard God saying Call unto Me and I will show you the way" - Cheryl
"I have learnt the importance of praying and having a daily quiet time. The first time I had a quiet time, I could feel the presence of God and I always want to feel the Holy Spirit everyday!" - Shamini
"I hope to share with the CG more in future, maybe every week once (spiritual gifts) - Chee mun (you say one ah... every week...:))
"God will keep me strong no matter what.. Isa 40:31 keeps ringing in my mind." - Kiana
" While I was praying, I saw an image of one gigantic hand holding my hand. The hand walked me on the mountains. At first, the place was dark then out of the sudden there’s light. God told me to abide in Him and reminded me that even in times of darkness, He never abandon me. He wants me to always remember that I am His. " - Huiyun (can flow with Cheryl sia!)
"Just felt that personally I got to pray more than I used to and really learn to trust in God in time of adversaries. Instead of depending on my own strength, I gotta depend on God more and rely on Him always. I tend to worry a lot when things happen so I should really worry less and pray more! (:" - Jiayu
"I want to improve my spiritual life and rise up another level, so I can serve God and help to revive more people." - Joyce
"Although did not make it into Superband, it was a good learning experience and I have other areas that God is helping me to prosper in. I believe that its all in God's timing and purpose. " - Pierson (be the next guitarist solo legend dude!)
"I’m very new to the church and there’s still a lot of things I need to learn, Like learning how to pray properly, hehe. Becoming a Christian has changed my life tremendously. After the services that I attended, I feel peace in myself. It’s like all my burdens and worries are being lifted off my shoulders and I feel good about it (: Ya, and I’m so glad that I joined w300 of course!" - Peishan (woohoo! you are awesome too!)
"David defeated goliath. Goliath was a strong and built giant. Even as his people and king looked down upon David, but he chose to follow God anointing and if an ordinary man like him can do it, I believe I can do it too provided if I follow God. My goliath shall be slain. muhahahaha" - Jiasheng (no more Samson liao, now you are David!! woohoo!)
This title is awarded to RACHEL LIM and LOR HUIYUN, who have completed at least 20 hours of studying for the past 2 weeks!!
Awesome man! Keep up the good work! :)
Note to rest: ERM!!! Pls repent and buck up NOWWWWWW